Depending on your wellness program format you may be required to submit a specific document or proof of participation in order to receive credit.  Please note that not all programs require document uploads so it's important that you review your program outline and understand what's required.  

The easiest way to access form submissions is by locating the direct link in your points summary.  For example, to submit an Annual Physical, click on the link to go directly to the form submission page.

Need more information?  Click on the question mark icon to get more details about your current wellness program requirements.

Uploading a document or proof of participation

When specific documents are required you will be directed to upload an attachment.  

Upload Attachments

  1. Choose an item you would like to upload from the drop-down menu.
  2. Upload your file.
    Accepted files include PDF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, Word Documents, etc.
  3. Choose if you would like to upload anything else.
    • IF YES - Continue to submit additional information.
    • IF NO - Choose Next.

Form Submission Page

  1. Click the Finish button to submit your form.
  2. Submit an email address for confirmation of receipt.
    Confirmation of receipt does not email or distribute a copy of your personal information.  It will only provide a receipt number.
  3. Click OK to submit.

    Once you've clicked OK the page will automatically refresh to the homepage once your email receipt has been triggered.